Meet Sunburst 1986 SYNCRO
Restoration in progress

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Restoration Process
1986 Volkswagen Westfalia Syncro Here is your chance to get a Restored Syncro that is 90% complete. Take over the project and we can complete the build how we planned it or adjust the plan how you would like it completed.
Completed Restoration Process (Detailed list available)
- $13,466 Purchase of 1986 Syncro Tin Top
- $1,980 Strip down/gut complete vehicle for restoration.
- $1,992.64 Lizard Skin Interior Walls, Flooring, and behind the dash.
- $14,022 Convert Tin Top to Westfalia Top
- $24,854 Bodywork and Panel Replacement. Extend wheel wells for future larger tires. Paint Interior and Exterior Sunburst Orange. Paint Tops and Lizard Skin pop-top.. See build sheet.
- $3,569 Convert Passenger Van Interior to Tan Full Camper Interior
- $677 3.3G LP Tank and install. (new unit slightly used)
- $2,739 5% Tint with sliders disassembled. – Rebuild Sliders – New Window Screens – Powder coat frames…
- $8,112 Assembly After Paint: New seals, tent, parts, windshield.. see build sheet.
- $10,924 Custom Upholstery: ABS Panels, Flooring, Carpet… see build sheet.
- $254 Main Battery
- $13,990 Refurbished CA Compliant Subaru 2.2 (installation pending but included in this price)
- $2,286 Front & Rear Bumpers
Totaling $98,981 out the door will get you this running restored Syncro with the above listed items completed. See Build Sheet.
Disclaimer: In order to keep cost down at this point we will be assembling the van with the remaining core parts that were removed for restoration. If new parts are in need we will replace them and update the advertisement and price.
This assembly is included in the sale price listed. That means that we will be installing the stock dash with no upgraded front AC… Or Stock headlights that are not brand new… Everything was working but this is the perfect time to replace or upgrade or refurbish thing while they are out.
- Undercarriage parts are not all brand new and restored/upgraded.. at this time but will be inspected and estimate revised if any parts are needed. (everything was working before the restoration process).
- Stock Rear AC headbanger components are included. Not included is Subaru AC conversion option.
- The Basic Stereo system is outdated and new components are not included at this time.
- Tires look new but may be older.
- Wheel wells have been lengthened for larger tires but the rear trailing arm are still the stock length.
- Currently a single knob rear locker . Other knobs can be added for decoupler and front locker.